Different ways to search Job until now:

Challenges of Job search in Rural/Urban India
Urban working people (English-familiar and Internet-enabled):
Total Indian working population consisting of skilled / semi-skilled / unskilled workers face the following Challenges:
1. Majority of workers are semi-literate and finds it difficult to read newspaper and know about employability reformers and employment providers.
2. Skilled / Unskilled workers are the more frequent job seeking population than educated mass because of variance of market scenarios, contract or order based jobs and the chances of being employed only in one organization or company for long is not possible.
3. Not all Workers are well networked. They are limited to the friends or relatives they knew in a village or to particular physical travel radius and hence the reach of information about employability reformers and employment providers is delayed and in few instances becomes lost opportunity.
4. Physical visit to employment providers are tiring, time consuming and they have to incur huge expense, as it is an arbitrary choice of visit.
5. Local Job Fairs are rare and very occasional. These are point in time events rather than sustainable consistent models.
6. Local Television \ FM Channels are still a good medium as it provides vernacular content delivered one way to mass but not a personalized, interactive solution.
7. Any day without work is minimum Rs.100 loss; Annual loss is Rs. 10,000 if they don't find access to job information for 3 months in a year on an average.
Overall the time and cost involved in finding a Job is uneconomical and has scope for betterment. By enabling and empowering the 40 Cr+ working population with 'JOB INFORMATION' alone we can transform livelihood of people, his family, community, society and nation.